Dogs of War

The Grand Mercenary Armies
One of my works in the recent years. Now why dogs of war? Dogs of war unlike others armies do not have a fixed army theme, it offer huge variety of choices and imagination for any army collector to explore. As a fan of conversion and variety, that made me wanted to create a theme for such unique armies and turn my imagination power into a reality.

Dogs of war has no fixed set of armies miniatures available, as such much of the miniatures need to be obtained from numerous miniature producers around the world. Fortunately, we do not need to rely on just one source, with the aids of internet power, it is now possible to acquire them easily. took a great deal of conversions and brainstorming to make it work in the end. Unlike others, some 90% of this army was made up from several different miniatures collection and experienced the most variety of conversions.     

Merchant Princess. This model actually took a year to convert before arriving to this appearance. Not many good model for mounted armored female.

Merchant Princess. Parts assembled from 3 different brands of miniature product! GW, Reaper miniature and the sword from Gamezone series)

Merchant Princess, details of how I made this can be found here.

Merchant Princess
Mercenary Captain - (From Reaper miniature)

Mercenary Captain - The Reaper miniature series boast a huge number of suitable characters miniature.

Mercenary Captain - Sword Fencer (From Reaper miniature)

Mercenary Captain - Sword Fencer (From Reaper miniature)

Mercenary Wizard. Oh yes, all female heroes. Well, it is an Mercenary Princess's army afterall. LOL.

Pikemen. The core of the mercenary army. These miniatures were made up of combination of Crusader Miniatures models and Perry Miniatures models. Surprisingly, both sets matched rather well with each other.

Pikemen from Crusader miniatures and Perry Miniatures.

Pikemen from Crusader miniatures and Perry Miniatures.

Pikemen. This is from another miniatures Pike and Shotte series. Part plastic and metal, the models look impressive when fully ranked up.
Pikemen from Pike and Shotte Series

Pikemen from Pike and Shotte Series

Freelancers - Converted from 5th edition Bretonnia knights. These knights was made obsolete when Bretonnia released new 6th edition Knights miniature, so these was incorporated into the mercenary army.  



Mercenary army - Hand gunners and crossbowmen

Mercenary army - Pikemen and Body Guard

Mercenary army - Freelancers and Duelists.

Crossbowmen with pavise from Perry Miniature

Crossbowmen with pavise from Perry Miniature

Crossbowmen with pavise from Perry Miniature

Hand gunners from Pike and Shotte minatures

Hand gunners from Pike and Shotte minatures

Hero fencer with Duelist

Duelist - Converted from Pike and Shotte minatures, bits and pieces from GW.


Light Cannon - Converted from Perry miniatures

Light Cannon - Converted from Perry miniatures

Light Cannon - Converted from Perry miniatures

The Guardsman - Body guard of Paymaster - armed with pole arms. Made up of combination of Crusader miniatures and Perry miniatures.

The Guardsman - Body guard of Paymaster.

Battle Standard bearer/Pay master

Battle Standard bearer/Pay master


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