Saturday, June 27, 2020

Vampire Counts Black Knights and Wight Lord completed

After almost 1 week of marathon, finally finished my black knights and wight lord. These guys has been sleeping inside my boxes for many years. 

There are some differences. Not all of them are of real stuffs. Half of them are converted.
Shocking!? Where did they come from?
It was a results of months of brainstorming and innovation, and a little bit of bidding in Ebay. These guys were converted using all my leftover bits and pieces of sprue. Heads, shield arms from Grave Guards and Skeleton soldiers, horse heads from 5th edition skeleton command group. Horses from old 5th edition Bretonnia and high elf.  Some lances from 5th edition Bretonnia Knight. and horse neck were modified plastic pieces filed and mold on my own. 

Somehow, it works. LOL. 
And it blended into the original black knight pretty well.

Phew, so whats next?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Reworking on miniatures - Dwarf collection

The previous colour theme I choose for my dwarf miniature armies collection was enchanted blue. Somehow it just doesn't feel correct. So, a rework require to make it feel correct.

Huh? Feeling?

For those who usually play with equations and formula. Arts is all about feelings, feel it right and make it right even it means taking a long time.

Previous colour theme
Reworking- base down the old blue. Followed with replacement with Glory Red. And then some touch up on metallic surface. And closed it off with basing of the grass pad on the base.

Looks better ah?

Took me 8 hours.

Patience is virtue.